Birthday: 8/4/1978
Star Sign: Leo
Eye Color: Brown
What do you like to do for fun in Las Vegas? Play basketball, hike, go for sushi
What did you want to be when you grew up? A motorcycle cop
How often do you workout? 3 times a week
What’s your favorite part of your body? Probably my legs
What qualities do you look for in a woman? Someone who isn’t afraid to be goofy
What is the sexiest part of a woman? Her demeanor
What type of music do you listen to? Lots of R&B
Who’s your favorite recording artist? Brian McKnight
What is your favorite movie? The Breakfast Club
What are your favorite foods? Grilled Chicken, donuts, and protein shakes
Who do you admire the most? Probably both my parents
What’s your favorite Las Vegas hangout? I like Red Rock a lot
What’s your favorite part of the job? Just being part of a great group of guys
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Greece
Boxers or Briefs? You’ll only get to know if you are lucky