At Wild Boyz, we represent the Best of the Best. So you must come to the parties prepared with good looking costumes, good sounding stereo and a good music selection. We can help you with all three. But you cannot represent us if you are missing any of the items below.[divider style=”solid” top=”20″ bottom=”20″]
Business Man consists of:
- Black Tearaway Pants
- Tearaway Dress Shirt
- Ripaway Tank Top
- Tie
- Vest (cheap to buy at Goodwill)
- Suit Jacket (cheap to buy at Goodwill)
- Black Shoes
Hotel Security consists of:
- (same as business man) plus
- earpiece
- sunglasses (optional)
Police Officer consists of:
- Black Tearaway Pants
- Police Shirt
- Police Belt
- Police Flashlight
- Mirrored Sunglasses
- Tearaway pants: Cost of pants + $50 labor
- Tearaway dress shirt: Cost of shirt + $20 labor
- G-String: $30
- Tearaway Bootie Shorts: $40 (optional)
- Cocksock: $10 (optional)
- Knee pads (optional)
- Bowtie Collar: $30 (mandatory for Buff Butler jobs)
- Wrist Cuffs: $25 (mandatory for Buff Butler jobs)
Contact management for information on our seamstress. She’s highly experienced and will do a great job.